Misc. ===== .. currentmodule:: aioconsul.typing Typing ------ Most of call are polymorphic and most of the types in documentation are just hints. Here is the full list of types: .. class:: aioconsul.typing.ObjectIndex Used by polymorphic functions that accept any ``str`` or ``dict`` that have an **Index** key. For example these two objects are equivalent:: a = { "Index": "1234-43-6789" } b = "1234-43-6789" .. class:: aioconsul.typing.ObjectID Used by polymorphic functions that accept any ``str`` or ``dict`` that have an **ID** key. These two objects are equivalent:: a = { "ID": "1234-43-6789" } b = "1234-43-6789" .. class:: aioconsul.typing.Object Represents a ``dict`` where keys are ``str`` and values can be any type. For example:: { "ID": "1234-43-6789", "Name": "foo", "Value": "bar" } Depending of the endpoint, **ID** may be required or not. .. class:: aioconsul.typing.Collection Represents a ``list`` where values are :class:`Object`. For example:: [{"ID": "1234"}, {"ID": "5678"}] .. class:: aioconsul.typing.Mapping Represents a ``dict`` where keys are ``id`` and values are :class:`Object`. For example:: {"service1": {"ID": "service1"}} .. class:: aioconsul.typing.Meta Represents a ``dict`` that is associated to Response. These keys should be presents: * **Index** — a unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource * **KnownLeader** — indicates if there is a known leader * **LastContact** — Contains the time in milliseconds that a server was last contacted by the leader node Meta can be used for blocking / watch mode. .. class:: aioconsul.typing.CollectionMeta A tuple where first value is a :class:`Collection` and second value is :class:`Meta`. .. class:: aioconsul.typing.ObjectMeta A tuple where first value is an :class:`Object` and second value is :class:`Meta`. .. class:: aioconsul.typing.Filter Regular expression to filter by. It accepts a ``re.Pattern`` or a ``str``. These two objects are equivalent:: a = re.compile("node-\d+") b = "node-\d+" .. class:: aioconsul.typing.Consistency Most of the read query endpoints support multiple levels of consistency. Since no policy will suit all clients' needs, these consistency modes allow the user to have the ultimate say in how to balance the trade-offs inherent in a distributed system. The three read modes are: **default** — If not specified, the default is strongly consistent in almost all cases. However, there is a small window in which a new leader may be elected during which the old leader may service stale values. The trade-off is fast reads but potentially stale values. The condition resulting in stale reads is hard to trigger, and most clients should not need to worry about this case. Also, note that this race condition only applies to reads, not writes. **consistent** — This mode is strongly consistent without caveats. It requires that a leader verify with a quorum of peers that it is still leader. This introduces an additional round-trip to all server nodes. The trade-off is increased latency due to an extra round trip. Most clients should not use this unless they cannot tolerate a stale read. **stale** — This mode allows any server to service the read regardless of whether it is the leader. This means reads can be arbitrarily stale; however, results are generally consistent to within 50 milliseconds of the leader. The trade-off is very fast and scalable reads with a higher likelihood of stale values. Since this mode allows reads without a leader, a cluster that is unavailable will still be able to respond to queries. .. class:: aioconsul.typing.Duration Defines a duration. Can be specified in the form of "10s" or "5m" or a ``datetime.timedelta``. For example, these objects are equivalent:: timedelta(seconds=150) "2m30s" .. class:: aioconsul.typing.Blocking Defines a blocking query. It must be a :class:`~aioconsul.typing.ObjectIndex` or better a tuple where second value is a :class:`~aioconsul.typing.Duration`. For example these values are equivalent:: a = {"Index": 1} b = 1 c = ({"Index": 1}, None) For adding a wait, just set the second value of tuple. .. class:: aioconsul.typing.Payload Currently only ``bytes`` and ``bytearray`` are allowed. It may vary on **Flags** value in the futur. Internally, Payload will be base64 encoded/decoded when the endpoint requires it. End user does not have to do it. The :class:`~aioconsul.client.KVEndpoint` is build on top of: * ``PUT /v1/kv/(key)`` - **Body** will be encoded * ``GET /v1/kv/(key)`` - **Value** will be decoded For example:: PAYLOAD = b"bar" await client.kv.set("foo", PAYLOAD) response, _ = await client.kv.get("foo") assert response["Value"] == PAYLOAD The :class:`~aioconsul.client.EventEndpoint` is build on top of: * ``PUT /v1/event/fire/(name)`` - **Payload** will be kept as is * ``GET /v1/event/list`` - **Payload** will be base64 encoded For example:: PAYLOAD = b"qux" response = await client.event.fire("baz", PAYLOAD) assert response["Payload"] == PAYLOAD responses, _ = await client.kv.items("baz") assert responses[0]["Payload"] == PAYLOAD